
After a long time, I got a chance to relish my cooking moments. Your work sometimes takes a high toll and you are left with no time as I was in the past few days. Cooking is something very close to my heart. When the recipe comes out well and someone who tastes, praises it, that feeling is like receiving a lifetime achievement.

I was hovering down my whole blog when I found that my journey as a blogger has many untouched areas, many genres yet to be invaded. So, let this comeback bring some sweetness to the journey and I have planned for one of my favorite sweet dish – “Phirni”.

The dish is a simple sweet dish from North of India, that has the subtle flavor of saffron strands and mesmerizing and creamy texture of ground rice cooked in rich creamy milk. The recipe is a present to your sweet buds. The recipe of “Phirni” goes like this:


  1. Basmati Rice – 1/4 cup
  2. Milk – 1 and 1/2 liters
  3. Cardamom/Elaichi – 4
  4. Sugar- 1 cup
  5. Saffron/Kesar – 8-10 strands
  6. Dry Fruits – For garnishing

Steps of Preparation:

  1.  Soak the 1/4 cup of Rice for around 2 hours.

  2. After it is soaked, pat dry the rice grains. After it dries off, coarsely grind the rice into a powder.

  3. In a wide bottomed container, bring milk to a boil in low flame so that it condenses properly. This would probably take around 1 hour.

  4. Keep stirring the milk in the process, so that it doesn’t stick to the bottom of the vessel.
  5. Add elaichi or cardamom in the stirred milk in between.

  6. In another bowl take a small amount of milk (half cup) and soak the saffron strands to bring out the color and flavor.

  7. After the milk has reduced and thickened considerably add the coarsely ground rice and keep stirring for about 10-15 mins.

  8. At last add the sugar and keep stirring for 10-15 mins more till the consistency is thickened.

  9. Cool the prepared mixture in the room temperature and add the saffron dipped in milk.
  10. Now refrigerate the Phirni for about 3-4 hrs and serve it to the guests.

Traditionally, Phirni is served in the containers made out of clay. It adds to the flavors. Garnish the Phirni with a cut of thinly chopped dry fruits.


5.0 from 1 reviews
Recipe type: Dessert
Cuisine: North Indian
Serves: 5
Prep time:
Cook time:
Total time:
Phirni is a North Indian Sweet Dish or Dessert. It is usually served chilled. The beauty of the dish is the saffron flavor and creamy texture of ground rice.


  1. Kapil said:

    Hadn’t expected this to come out this tasty. Love your work. Keep posting.

    January 13, 2017
    • Shreemaa said:

      Thank you !!

      January 13, 2017

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